4 Ways to grow your business online

So you have a business and you want to promote it? Gone are the days when the only way you can advertise your products or services is through television advertisements, flyers or newspapers. These days, most people look to the internet to find what they need, whether it is information or something to buy.

That’s why it is important that you take full advantage of the internet and use it to grow your business. The great thing about growing your business online is that you will not have to spend as much money compared to traditional marketing strategies. If you are a small business, you can just start small with your efforts. You do not need to build a website that will cost you lots of money. Instead, you can look at other platforms in order to get your name recognized.

Here are some tips that you can follow in order to grow your business online.

  1. Social Media Optimization – if you do not yet have the budget to have a website of your own for your business, fret not. You can still use various social media platforms to market your products or services. The great thing is that signing up for these social media sites, like Facebook, Instagram and Twitter are free. But you need to be smart with how you market through social media. It’s not just enough to have an account, you need to know how to get followers and turn those followers into your clients. You can study up on how to do SEO, or you can even get the services of an Atlanta SEO  Company to guide you and make sure that your social media sites stand out from the thousand other accounts.
  2. Send email newsletters – many businesses think that social media is the only way to communicate with their potential clients. Because of that, they have stopped emailing newsletters. But did you not that it can even be more effective than social media? Bear in mind that with social media, you are competing for the attention of your potential client. There are so many other accounts that might be offering the same products and services, so if you do not stand out from the rest, there is still the chance that they will not buy from you. With a newsletter, you can be assured that your potential customer will receive it. The only hurdle you have to face with this strategy is to get the user to sign up for your newsletter, so you need to make sure that you have engaging content that will catch their eye and entice them to sign up.
  3. Collaborate with brand influencers – a great tip to get noticed online is to collaborate with brand influencers. You can look for those with plenty of followers and have them do a giveaway or a product review so that more people will know about your business. Brand influencers are very in right now and most consumers look to them to give feedback on whether the product is worth buying or not.

Adam Hansen

Adam is a part time journalist, entrepreneur, investor and father.