3 Tips To Scale Your Business From The Clients on Demand Program
Have you been eager to scale your business, but you’re just not quite sure how to go about it? Don’t worry; you’re not alone. Each year, thousands of business owners are turning to coaching programs such as Clients on Demand to find the expertise they need to grow their company effectively.
Whether it’s figuring out the latest methods for attracting new clients, tips on generating leads, or landing advice on how to streamline their business practices so they’re ready to handle increased volume, even the most seasoned entrepreneurs need a shoulder to lean on every now and then.
So who are Clients on Demand, and are they the real deal? Here’s an overview of the course, as well as three helpful tips from the founder of the program that will help you scale your business faster than ever before.
Clients on Demand Overview
Clients on Demand is a marketing course led by Founder and CEO Russ Ruffino. Ranked as one of the fastest-growing companies in America by Inc. Magazine, these guys have been taking the marketing world by storm as of late.
Ruffino and his team of elite business coaches teach students their “cutting edge marketing strategy that gets results” and proclaims to have “the world’s foremost client attraction system.” A lofty statement, yet the proof is in the pudding. Just take a look at some of the Clients on Demand reviews from their students and see for yourself.
So what exactly do Clients on Demand offer their students?
“We exist to help coaches, consultants, and service providers attract the right clients at the right price, anytime they want,” says Russ Ruffino. “To actually create that kind of transformation takes a relentless focus on helping our clients win.” With that in mind, here are three valuable tips on scaling your company directly from the Clients on Demand program.
1 – Ditch the content grind
These days, most internet marketing programs suggest grinding tons of content to build an audience that you can monetize later. Gary Vaynerchuck and Income School are two such marketing companies/gurus that come to mind, as they place a high value on implementing a rigorous content marketing strategy; however, is all the effort really worth the returns?
“We try to avoid the overreliance on content marketing strategies such as blogging and podcasting. Don’t get me wrong, blogging still works for a lot of people, but content marketing strategies are incredibly time-consuming and require a multi-year investment if you want to see significant returns, and let’s be honest, spending a year grinding out blog posts before you see a dime in revenue is just not a realistic strategy,” explains Ruffino.
Instead of suggesting contemporary content marketing wisdom, Clients on Demand teaches their students client attraction strategies that start getting clients through the door on day one.
“We are 100% about getting results for our clients. It’s as simple as that. And when I say results, I don’t mean in 12 or 18 months down the line; I mean right now. That may seem like a bold statement, but people have become too familiar with the passive marketing strategies taught in the industry today. We focus on providing a robust, high-octane marketing strategy with a very short sales cycle (24-48 hours),” says Ruffino.
This Clients on Demand review shares how Lydia Knight used Ruffino’s advice to abandon her intense content marketing strategy – it’s safe to say the results speak for themselves.
2 – Prioritize value creation for your clients
Clients on Demand operate with a client-first mentality that focuses on delivering the best possible outcomes for each and every person that comes to your company.
The process starts by employing marketing strategies that will target the perfect clients – the people who are best suited to your business. In other words, the ones who will benefit from your particular service the most. Think about it; if you can connect with people who genuinely benefit from your product, it creates a synergistic relationship where both parties benefit.
As Russ Ruffino explains, “we want to attract not just any clients, but the right clients. The ones who are thrilled to work with you. Who understands that you’re unique and different from anyone else in the marketplace. Who show up coachable, decisive, and resourceful. Who does the work, gets the results, and makes you look like a rock star.”
If they succeed, so do you. It’s an authentic self-repeating cycle that operates on creating a win-win scenario for both you and your clients.
3 – Find the sweet spot with your pricing strategy
For whatever the reason may be, the vast majority of entrepreneurs undercharge for their service. This is usually out of a fear that they will scare away paying customers who will leave them high and dry, yet this line of thinking often leads them to position themselves in an unfavorable position in the market. Occasionally, this can be a fatal business mistake as you end up priced too cheap to generate any real revenue and not expensive enough to attract top-level (VIP) clients. Here is Ruffino’s take on the matter:
“Here’s the thing, if you charge too little, you have to work with more clients, you have a busier schedule, and as a result, the quality of your service diminishes. Not only that, but you will likely find you’re constantly looking for new clients, spending unnecessary time and money searching for paying customers.
The answer is simple. Raise your prices, improve your service, laser in on attaining results for your clients, and focus on attracting the cream of the crop. Nine times out of ten, you find you end up generating much higher revenue with less time invested,”
In summary
Russ Ruffino’s flagship program is unlike many of its competitors in the marketing space. The course does much more for its students than merely giving them a strategy to find more clients. Instead, they focus on providing the skills and expertise needed to succeed, and it just so happens that these are the things that are typically looked over in many of the other conventional marketing courses.
If your goal is to grow your company as quickly as possible it would swerve you well to keep these tips in mind. Even though they may seem contrary to a lot of the popular strategies taught today, sometimes the most value lies in doing things a little differently from everyone else and thinking outside of the box.