3 Tips For Starting Your Own Small Farm
With all of the uncertainty in the world, what many individuals and businesses have considered in the last year is how they can be more self-sufficient. One thing you might have considered is how producing your own raw materials or goods, like they do on a farm, could be a benefit to your life or organization.
If this is something that you’re looking into, here are three tips for starting your own small farm.
Start Smaller Than You Might Want
While you might have great aspirations for what you’d like your small farm to become, if you have little to no experience with farming, you’re likely going to need to start even smaller than you might have imagined.
According to BeginningFarmers.org, there’s going to be a huge learning curve when you first start farming. So rather than getting a tractor and all other farming equipment straight away, you should wait until you have some time and experience under your belt before you bite off more than you can chew. With a smaller farm, you’re going to have smaller problems to deal with. Then, if you handle these things well, you’ll be ready to build upon your small farm until it’s the size that you’ve actually envisioned.
Work With What You Have
In order to have a farm, you’ve got to have some kind of land. And while you can do all kinds of farming activities on even just a small piece of land, you’re only going to find success if you learn how to work with what you have.
To do this, Forrest Pritchard, a contributor to ArtOfManliness.com, advises that you learn all you can about the land or the area you’ll be farming in before you start doing any real farming. In most instances, you’re going to have to cater what type of farming you do based on what you’re able to accomplish with the climate and land that you have around you. So instead of trying to farm whatever you want, it’s best to farm what’s going to work well in your area.
Consider Specializing
There are so many things that you can choose to farm that it might be intimidating and overwhelming to try to pick what to focus on at the beginning. But despite this, specializing in something from the get-go can make your farming much easier to manage. According to Anna Dizon, a contributor to Fit Small Business, you could consider specializing in trees, fish, herbs, dairy, bees, microgreens, vegetables, snails, mushrooms, cannabis, flowers and much more.
If you’re wanting to start your own small farm in the future, consider using the tips mentioned above as you prepare to take on this new challenge and adventure.