3 Good Reasons Why Your B2B Business Needs a Blog
It’s not just consumer-facing businesses that need blogs, it’s also B2B businesses. The best way to think about a corporate blog is that it is just another digital marketing channel. If you put out a weekly email newsletter, or if you have set up a few social media channels, then you definitely need a blog. In fact, there are three good reasons why your B2B business needs a blog.
Increase traffic to your site
Perhaps the best reason to launch a corporate blog is simply to generate more traffic to your website. In today’s digital world, most people make the decision to visit a website because they’ve seen something elsewhere on the web that has piqued their interest. Maybe they’ve seen a story mentioned on Twitter or Facebook. So they click on the link and end up on your website.
However, if you aren’t constantly generating new content via your blog, it makes it a lot harder to find you on the web. Think of each new blog post as a lead-generating machine that helps to bring more visitors your way. Moreover, each blog post can also be distributed via social media, further increasing its traffic-boosting potential. You can even include a short blurb about your latest blog posts in your corporate email newsletter.
Become known as an influencer or thought leader
Especially for smaller companies, blogs can be a very effective way to “compete” with much larger rivals. You are competing with these larger rivals in the marketplace for ideas, and if you have a lot of good ideas, people are going to start turning to you for advice, suggestions or input. Over time, you might get asked to speak at a major business conference, or to take part in a new initiative launched by an industry trade group.
And, if things really go your way, you will eventually reach “thought leader” status. At that point, mainstream media publications will probably be reaching out to you for quotes and opinions about current stories or trends. And this is more than just a nice boost to the ego – it’s also a 100% completely free way to generate PR about your company.
Convert visitors into customers
Once people end up on your website, you might just be able to convert them from being a reader to being a buyer. For example, let’s say that someone is searching for a solution to a problem they are having, and your blog post shows up on the first page of Google search results. When they click on your blog’s link, they are already in the right mindset to purchase your product or service. After all, they were searching for a solution, right?
That’s why it’s so important to structure the content of your corporate blog around the types of issues, pain points or problems that people are probably searching for online. It makes it much more likely that your blog posts are going to be picked up by The Google Machine, and that you will get a flood of new visitors to your site as a result.
Final thought
Over time, you’ll eventually discover a whole variety of new ways that you can use your corporate blog to achieve specific business goals. For example, you can use the blog as a way to field-test different marketing messages. You can use it as a way to line up new affiliate partners. And you can use it as a customer service channel. In short, there are many different reasons why your B2B business needs a blog.
Ryan Gould: From legacy Fortune 100 institutions to inventive start-ups, Ryan brings extensive experience with a wide range of B2B clients. He skillfully architects and manages the delivery of integrated marketing programs, and believes strongly in strategy, not just tactics, that effectively aligns sales and marketing teams within organization.