2022 Business Ideas for This New Normal

A lot of things have changed over the past few years, and businesses have had to do a lot to adapt. People prefer working from home, or have seen that there is nothing keeping them in the job they’re in. If that sounds like you, you might be looking for another business venture you’d rather travel on your own.

Well, we’ve got you covered. We’re looking at lots of new business ideas. Everything from influencing to crypto investing are the new ways to make money in 2022. If you’re looking for ways of investing in Bitcoin, click here. For more ideas on new business ventures, take a look at our list.

IMAGE: https://unsplash.com/photos/7I4u37HwA08 (Unsplash)


An influencer is at the top here because there will be an element of it running through the rest of the options here, so it’s best to get a basic understanding of it. Whatever you go with will need to be marketed, and as a freelancer that’s best marketed on social media. And you will be marketing yourself, much like an influencer, just instead of beach shots, you’re showing your hard work.

Taking it even further, a lot of graduates nowadays are using social media as a portfolio, posting the best work that they’ve done, no matter the industry, in an attempt to attract employers. You can do the same thing to attract clients.

Plus, influencing takes a lot of useful transferable skills. There are the initial creative skills, like photography, styling, editing, video and audio recording, scripting, etc. but there are also business skills like gaining and negotiating collaborations with marketers or other influencers, networking, accounting, public speaking, etc. and of course the marketing skills you will gain.

Affiliate blogger

As an offshoot of the influencing gig, there is the affiliate blogger for the camera shy. An affiliate blog doesn’t require you to be too creatively minded or front and center on the stage. You are creating a blog entirely of products if you wish. The idea is that you are creating a shopping space where you spotlight products that you like. That can take varying levels of personability. You might prefer a hands-off approach or the Lush idea of giving a face to the products and something the customer can relate to.

Create partnerships with various affiliates and spotlight their products and you will have an ongoing income.


Just about every industry and sector has a freelance equivalent. The first step in freelancing, if you like what you are doing, is to look at what you are doing now and see how you can apply it to a freelancing gig.

Why would you want to do that? Well, a lot of us have got a taste of the freelance life already and from looking at the amount of people who turned down coming back to the office, a majority of us prefer it. It’s a lot like working from home, with the simpler work/life balance, lack of commuting, etc. but it has the added benefit of you being your own boss. You can work as much or as little as you fancy and work around any other responsibilities you have.

But what if you’re looking to get out of the job you’re in? What freelance jobs are there? There are loads of freelance applications for various skills. If your skills are in writing you can try freelance journalism, copywriting for marketing, or ghost writing. If you have organizational or number skills you can freelance accounting or personal assisting. And handy skills already lend themselves to freelance work, like plumbing, decorating, carpentry, etc.


And then there is teaching. Every industry and sector needs a teacher in some form or another. Rarely do we just learn as we go and succeed. So maybe you don’t want to teach kids their ABCs, but have you considered teaching aspiring entrepreneurs leadership skills, or a course on your gained skills or creative whims.

We’ve had to adapt to the idea of Zoom lectures, and it’s a concept that doesn’t need to die. You can either pre-record your courses and sell them for ongoing income or give personalized courses for higher value.

And of course, there is the teaching abroad gig, a gig which will never die. Skip out of your home country and teach English to kids as a second language, or any other skills you might have.

Crypto investment

There are a lot of differences between stocks and crypto, but they do share one thing in common. A lot of crypto investment is made to finance a business idea.

If you’re looking for an extra bit of income, you can take a look at the various smaller coins out there that are meant to bankroll a new business idea. Read a few white papers, be sure that the people behind the coin know what they are doing and are qualified to do it, look out for low effort white papers, as that might be a scam, then back a business you believe in. As the coin and the business grows, so will the value of your coin and you can check out with your new money.

Adam Hansen

Adam is a part time journalist, entrepreneur, investor and father.