Why Positive Energy Is Important In The Workplace
We are so much more conscious now of the importance of nurturing our mental health, both at work and at home. You need to be aware of how other people’s energy and your workplace’s energy affects you, so that you can take the right steps to ensure you are always surrounded by positive energy. So in this article, let’s discuss how we can bring positive energy into your workplace, so you can be a happier, and more productive worker.
It Begins with You
Although our instinct is to look at other people, we should also look at ourselves. We emit an energy that affects other people. Ask yourself if you generally emit a positive or negative energy, or whether your energy levels are high or low, or whether you respond to other people in a calm or tense way. Try compassion meditation so you have a more positive and happier outlook on life and learn to see things from other people’s perspective.
Be Aware of the Energy Around You
If you are aware of the energy around you, then you can find ways to improve it. It’s often in very subtle ways that external energy affects us. So watch other people, your environment, and even yourself, to see how you are affected and what affects you. You cannot change what you are unaware of, so your awareness needs to increase.
Change Your Environment
Science tells us that our environment is important for our mental health, and for our habits. If you want to be happier and have more positive energy in your life, you need to work not just on yourself, but on your environment as well. With the right environmental changes, you can have real results, feeling more positive, happier and healthier. Not only will your well being improve, but your productivity, creativity and problem-solving will also greatly benefit. Most people believe that motivation is everything. We are inundated with ads and shows that tell us that with motivation, we can do anything. Wake up early, start the day by doing the hardest things, stay away from our phones and block out time for deep work. We are sold how-to guides on how to deal with workplace conflict, be creative, or work smarter. None of this is, at face value, wrong. What it misses is that motivation is defined, sometimes in very subtle ways, by your environment.
Spark joy in your environment by adding things that make you happy, like a family heirloom, or a picture of your family, crystals and candles from The Honey Pot Energy & Art, among other things. If you are working from home, repaint your office in vibrant colors to draw in positive energy.
Learn to Deal with Situations in a Positive Way
Society has taught us to deal with conflicts in very negative, destructive ways. We should take a more progressive view of conflicts and learn to deal with them using non-violent techniques in which we acknowledge the humanity of the person we are in conflict with, and their value independent of this conflict, and the legitimacy of the emotions they are feeling. Transmitting compassion will go a long way toward easing tensions. We have to remember that this takes time. Just because you listen to someone tomorrow doesn’t mean you will solve the conflicts that arise tomorrow. You have to practice and work at developing the skill of non-violent communication if you are to be able to ensure that you can turn negative encounters into positive ones. Remember, you shape other people’s energy as much as they shape yours. So if you can bring positive energy into every situation you find yourself in, you can bring positive energy into other people’s lives and thereby, transform the energy around you.