What You Can Do With A Degree In Criminal Justice
You’re thinking about choosing a degree in criminal justice. Or perhaps you’ve already graduated from it and are about to put yourself in the job market today. Only, you’re unsure what kind of career you’ll have, except that you know it has something to do with law enforcement.
Well, you’re not wrong there. But read on and find out what other career paths you can walk on in criminal justice.
Degree In Criminal Justice: Professions That Await You
1. Officers In The Law Enforcement
Being a defender of the law whether as a policeman is a noble profession indeed. The law exists so that we may all live in harmony, and that those who seek to break such harmony are accountable for their actions by the law itself.
It’s true that you won’t be required to have a degree in criminal justice. Studying in a police academy is what will warrant you a spot in this sector. However, gaining deeper insight and knowledge about keeping society safe, upholding the governing law of the land, and deterring criminal offenders as well as making sure justice and truth are defended and maintained.
2. Detectives And Investigators
You can choose to work for the government’s branch of law enforcement, as well and the court and corrections division.
Under this segment is homicide as well as crime scene investigators. Customarily deemed as a specialization because of the demands that this role entails, it’s challenging just as much as it is rewarding whenever you solve a case. That, and it’s a very well-salaried profession, too.
Furthermore, there are various facets of the scope of Investigation. Fraud investigators, corporate, legal, the list goes on.
3. Forensics
We’ve mentioned earlier than it’s something you can specialize in after your bachelor’s degree. In contrast, you can also choose electives that are related to said program. Forensic Science Technicians are highly valued in their fields of practice— analysing and studying pieces of evidence, testing weaponry, and the like.
And with technology becoming more and more a steadfast player in our world today, digital forensics. Although this might warrant a computer science degree as well. But that’s for another story.
4. The Practice Of Law
Becoming a criminal defense lawyer is definitely among the longstanding aims for many who take up criminal justice. They have it as a sort of prerequisite as it’s viewed as a pre-law major. There are other pre-law majors you can choose from, but for one that’s focused on the analysis of criminal behaviour and its treatment, this is the path to traverse on.
4. As A Transition Degree
It’ll be good to have a background of this degree should you pursue a path towards further studies. Master’s programs of the same, public administration, forensic sciences, etc. The reason why it’s an excellent jump-off point to such practices is that it will serve as your introduction to more complex concepts.
In this way, you won’t have that much of a difficulty understanding not only theories but their philosophical implications as well. You won’t be diving head-on into the unknown, so to speak. Instead, you’ll already have had a foundation about constitutional law and its vast implications.
You can check out www.csclarklaw.com/assault-lawyers/ for information about what such types of lawyers do.