Tips for Long-Term Remote Teams
As employees and executives become accustomed to their “new normal,” many businesses are making the change to remote work permanent.
Understandably, some businesses faced growing pains while switching to remote work. Despite this, many organizations have risen to the challenge and found innovative ways to facilitate productivity and innovation in their unorthodox working environments.
Do You Need a Long-Term Remote Team?
Although many regions of the U.S. are now easing lockdown restrictions, our lives probably won’t return to how they were before the pandemic. In fact, it could be quite some time until we’re able to work alongside one another in close proximity again.
With so many uncertainties surrounding businesses, it’s important to have flexible contingency plans in place. If you’re unable to reopen your workplace in the near future, having a long-term remote team will enable you to continue operating and can encourage business growth.
Below are some recommendations for creating productive and secure business practices for your remote teams.
Get a Cyber Risk Assessment
When your employees are working remotely, they will need to connect to your servers or systems from various locations. They may rely on home broadband connections, mobile internet, or even public hotspots, which can make your sensitive data vulnerable to cyberattacks.
As businesses face serious sanctions for data and security breaches, it’s vital you enhance the security of your systems before they’re attacked. If you implement a “Bring Your Own Device” (BYOD) policy, for example, you may want to issue guidelines regarding required security measures and other data safety protocols.
Facilitate Collaboration
If your employees are used to working alongside one another, it may take some time for them to adjust to operating remotely. For many people, this type of setup can seem lonely and isolating, particularly if they’re not used to it.
With the right collaboration tools, however, teams can stay connected and maintain high levels of productivity. From generic programs designed to enhance processes to sector-specific resources, providing access to the right tools will ensure your staff can collaborate with each other effectively and meaningfully.
Manage Expectations
“Remote working” can mean a variety of different things, so it’s essential to set clear guidelines regarding how your long-term remote team will operate. Be realistic about your own expectations and give employees the reassurance they need while making the adjustment.
With so many issues to address, it’s easy to see why businesses need to carefully consider all their options. A company that provides managed IT services can help you to navigate potential tools and security measures by providing regular assessments and monitoring.
Introducing Long-Term Remote Work
Your announcement to introduce long-term remote work may be met with mixed reactions. While some people prefer remote work, others may be apprehensive about the prospect of a permanent shift. Create a realistic plan for the transition and be sure to keep your employees updated on new developments and policies.