Selling Your Products on Amazon? 8 Tips to Become One of the Top Sellers on Amazon
In 2017, more than a million new sellers joined Amazon.
The number of people selling products through the site is simply staggering.
With so many other sellers offering products through the online giant, it’s inevitable that you’re going to find some competition in your particular niche. All is not lost however; there are steps you can take to become one of the top sellers on Amazon.
Read on as we take a look at eight great ways to up your Amazon selling game.
1. Optimize Your Product Details
With so many items for sale on Amazon, it’s easy for your products to get lost.
You need to ensure that when potential customers search for products in your niche, your results are found. The key to this is to optimize your product details.
You’ll need to work on your product title, product description, product identifiers, colors, sizes, and more. If you’re selling a wide range of products, keeping on top of all of this information can be a real challenge.
Product Information Management software can help you to cope with this challenge, ensuring that your product details are always on point.
2. Be Competitive With Your Pricing
If you’re offering similar products to your competitors, but for twice the price, you’re not going to make many sales.
The simplest way to ensure your pricing is right is to take a look at your competitors’ prices. Find the cheapest and most expensive products that are similar to yours, and you’ll know the window you need to be aiming for.
Amazon has useful tools that can help you automatically match your pricing to the lowest price currently available, saving you time and effort in your pricing strategy.
3. Make Sure Your Fulfillment Is On Point
You’ve worked hard on your product descriptions and found a great price point, and you’ve made a sale. What happens next is crucial.
Amazon has changed the game in terms of what people expect when it comes to fulfillment. If your competitors are offering next day delivery and you can’t get it to your customer in less than five days, then you’re not going to get much business.
If dealing with shipping is getting too much, then it makes sense to opt for Fulfillment By Amazon. FBA takes all the hard work out of your hands and ensures that your customers always get their products fast.
4. Meet a Need
You’re never going to become a top seller on Amazon if you’re not offering a product that people want.
Make sure that what you’re selling meets a genuine need, and that it’s a need that applies to a large enough number of people to build a sustainable business. Left-handed egg piercers might be an unmined niche, but that’s probably for a very good reason.
Do your research and make sure that there’s a market for what you’re selling.
5. Get Professional Images
It doesn’t matter how good your products are in real life. What matters is how good they look on Amazon.
Don’t try to cut corners by taking your own product photos unless you have professional kit and know how to use it properly. Poor images can have a huge impact on your sales.
If you’re not confident taking your own photos then hire a professional. That way you know that your images will be of the highest standard.
6. Get More Reviews
If there are multiple similar items being sold on Amazon, then reviews are a huge deciding factor for consumers.
If your products don’t have many reviews, even if they’re all great, you’re likely to lose custom to your competitor who has thousands of fairly good reviews. This is a bit of a catch 22 as if you don’t sell much, you won’t get many reviews, and so won’t sell much, and so won’t get many reviews. It can seem like an endless cycle.
One way to get past this is to send out free samples in exchange for fair and honest reviews. This will help you to build up your list of reviews and make more sales. If giving away stuff for free is going to break the bank, then read more here about marketplace financing.
7. Try to Stand Out
With so much competition on Amazon, it can be hard to stand out.
If you find that your competitors are offering very similar products to you, it’s easy to get lost among all the similar items. Try to make yourself unique by offering a bundle of products that no one else is offering.
That way you’ll have something totally unique. If you’re sensible with your bundles, you can find a selection that offers more value and usefulness to the customer and leads to more sales.
8. Don’t Break the Rules
You’re never going to become one of the top sellers on Amazon if you’ve been kicked off the site.
Always stay within the rules, for your own sake and the sake of your customers. Make sure you’re up to date with all of Amazon’s policies so that everything you do is above board. Otherwise, you could end up with bad reviews, unhappy customers, or even face a suspension of your account.
Want to Become One of the Top Sellers on Amazon?
If you’re looking to become one of the top sellers on Amazon then we’re here to help.
We have a ton of great content on our blog, packed with useful tips and information for people with small businesses. Not only do we have useful advice, but we also have links to a wide range of business tools that can help you and your business to take the next step.
Feel free to take a good look around.