Pro Tips for Creating a Corporate Event
As you are all too aware, company image counts for a lot, and while there are many benefits to be gained from hosting a live event, you are laying your company reputation on the line every time you have such an event. It can be very costly if things don’t go as you would like, so you cannot over-emphasise the importance of getting it right. Here are a few tips from professional event planners, which should help you prepare a memorable event that is remembered for all the right reasons.
- Identify your Objectives – The event might be to introduce a new product line to your existing customers, or to unveil a new direction that your organisation is taking, or even to say thank you to your loyal client base. Once you have listed your goals, you can then plan accordingly.
- List your Vendors – Of course, outsourcing plays an important role in setting up a live event, and third parties that are needed should all be listed and your needs should be relayed as soon as possible. If, for example, you prefer to use one outside caterer, let them know your dates as soon as they are confirmed, as busy vendors can be fully booked a few weeks in advance.
- Make Best Use of Technology – Fortunately, thanks to the Internet, we can source anything and everything online, and whether you’re looking for a live band in Melbourne, audio-video equipment in Brisbane, or strippers in Sydney, Google is your best friend. You can arrange everything online and make sure you confirm with every provider a few days prior to your event, just in case there are any issues.
- Run the Timeline – From the very start to the wind-down at the end, your schedule should be timed, with the MC having short periods to introduce people and presentations, and all concerned need to be there at a pre-run, which ensures that the program actually runs to schedule. Every participant should have a copy of the timeline, which ensures they are all on the same page, and any minor issues can be ironed out during the pre-run.
- Backups – Every single presentation should be on a memory stick that you have in your pocket, plus you should have a decent laptop sitting in the corner, just in case the main unit crashes, and they do! Music tracks also need to be copied and kept on the same stick, so you have all critical data backed up and ready in a second, should it be needed.
- Livestreaming – Of course, you could Facebook livestream your event, which would really give you some exposure, but if that isn’t in your plans, you should hire a competent videographer, who can create a DVD that can be used in many ways in the future. You could, for example, send all participants a copy of the DVD, which allows then to review certain sections as often as they like.
Create lists and work from these and have regular contact with all players, right up until hours before the event, and if you have covered all the bases, your event will be successful and your boss will certainly appreciate your organisational skills.