Online Accelerated BSN Nursing Programs
People who are considering a change in career by opting for nursing and have a bachelor’s degree in some other field like finance, psychology, architecture and so on, should consider joining an online accelerated BSN nursing program.
However, the one thing that puts off most students is the prospect of studying for another 4 years at least to get a nursing degree. Therefore, the option of an online accelerated BSN nursing program works great for such candidates. This is because an accelerated nursing program’s time frame ranges from 12 months to 19 months with a rigorous study plan and training. UT Arlington has an online BSN program as well as an MSN nursing program if you decide to continue on with your studies.
Basic Requirements and Prerequisites for the BSN Accelerated Program
Prerequisite Courses
Despite having a bachelor’s degree, most accelerated programs have certain prerequisite courses which have common subjects like statistics, microbiology, physiology and sometimes anatomy. If any individual took such courses in the last couple to years then it is best that they consult their school to check if these courses would be exempted for them. In such situations, candidates should consult the admissions officer dealing with the accelerated nursing program that they want to pursue.
Entrance Exam
Majority of the programs have an entrance exam for enrolling in an accelerated nursing program. The entry exam tests basic subjects of the interested applicant like reading skills, science knowledge, English Language skills, mathematics and so on. There are numerous options available online which can help a student in the preparation of the entrance exam.
Most programs only give admission to candidates with a certain minimal GPA. This is a major consideration for every online accelerated BSN nursing program. The usual minimum GPA required ranges from 3.0 to 3.5.
How to Get through an Accelerated BSN Program?
The real work begins after admission in an online accelerated BSN nursing program and life may become a whirlwind. The following tips will ensure that you become successful in your journey.
Building a Supportive Network
Candidates with children will definitely need a supportive network if they wish to complete accelerated programs. Always have people in your network who are immediately available on a call when you are stuck. From letting your dog out to getting groceries from the nearby store while knowing that you have backup will ensure that everything stays within your control.
Never Forget Your Long-term Goal
The pace of an accelerated program will only last till you qualify so take a breather in between and don’t stress too much over your routine. Nobody can maintain that pace forever. Every time that you feel overwhelmed, just remind yourself of the degree you will get once the workload ends, and the traveling nurse jobs waiting to help fulfill your goal of getting a job.
Never Ditch Self-Care
Simple bubble bath or a night out with a friend will help in unwinding from a hectic schedule so never skip these. Do not think that working overtime will convert into effective work because it won’t. Studying straight for 4 hours without breaks is less efficient than a study plan with a break. Therefore, smart and effective study plans will ensure that you accomplish your goal with desired results.