Mastering the Art of Managerial Communication

Effective communication is crucial for managers to understand how employees perceive their actions, rules, and messages. Every interaction, whether spoken or unspoken, plays a role in shaping the organization. 

Therefore, ensuring that messages are conveyed clearly and comprehensively at all company levels is crucial.

In this context, managers are pivotal in facilitating precise and efficient communication throughout the company’s various tiers.

In this blog, we will list the most impactful business communication skills for managers and point out actionable ways in which anyone, from aspiring managers to seasoned executives, can sharpen their communication skills and drive their team to new heights.

Business Communication Skills Every Manager Should Master 

Active listening, clarity, empathy, and nonverbal communication are desirable traits and absolute must-haves for anyone working with others. 

These skills demonstrate consideration, empathy, and attentiveness, setting the tone for open communication, two-way feedback, and a harmonious work environment. In short, they serve as pillars for fostering positive relationships and driving successful outcomes.

Active Listening

Actively listening to employees fosters a sense of trust and understanding. Maintaining eye contact, avoiding interruptions, and asking clarifying questions to demonstrate a genuine interest in the speaker’s perspective are some points to consider.

Clarity and Conciseness

As a manager, you can enhance clarity by organizing thoughts beforehand, using simple language, and providing specific examples or actionable steps to convey your message effectively.

Empathy and Understanding

It is essential to step in your direct reports’ shoes, as this makes them feel heard and understood and ultimately promotes honest communication. 

Develop empathy by actively listening, showing genuine concern for others’ feelings, and considering different perspectives before responding.

Nonverbal Communication

When your nonverbal signals match your words, they increase trust, clarity, and rapport.

Pay attention to nonverbal cues and strive to convey openness, approachability, and sincerity through body language, facial expressions, and gestures.

By honing these essential skills, managers can establish a solid foundation for effective management, where trust is built, ideas are freely exchanged, and collaboration flourishes. 

Let’s explore how cultivating these skills can lead to more impactful and successful leadership.

The Impact of Words: Mastering Verbal Communication

Verbal communication, a seemingly simple act we engage in daily, takes on new significance within a corporate environment. Even the slightest misunderstanding or lack of effectiveness 

can profoundly impact organizational goals, employee motivation, and overall success. 

When mastered by managers, it holds many benefits that can transform team dynamics and drive organizational success. 

For instance, the leadership team can effectively convey its vision, goals, and expectations through face-to-face conversations, ensuring alignment and clarity. Another perk is that it allows for immediate feedback and clarification, reducing misunderstandings and enhancing productivity. 

It encompasses the words we choose and the clarity with which we express ourselves, the tone we employ, the body language we exhibit, and our ability to adapt our communication style to different situations and individuals.

If you tick all the following, your team will probably thank you for communicating so effectively:

Clarity and Coherence

Articulate thoughts and ideas precisely to ensure common understanding among team members. Try context first and details second. 

Tone of Voice

A stable, confident, and comfortably hearable tone is more engaging than deciphering what someone is saying.

Body Language

Be aware of nonverbal cues that can enhance or contradict the intended message. Use your hands and head to support what you are saying.


A pause where it feels natural will help you catch your breath and allow the other person to step in and share their thoughts. 

The Power of Written Word in the Workplace

In today’s evolving work landscape, effective leadership hinges on mastering nonverbal and verbal communication and adapting to the new language and etiquette of written communication.

Asynchronous working environments and the massive use of technology have transformed how we connect and collaborate. Emails, Slacks, and various forms of written communication have become essential tools for conveying ideas, providing feedback, and maintaining professional relationships.

Understanding the nuances of this digital era and being aware of written etiquette is crucial for leaders to foster meaningful connections with their teams, even in remote-first paradigms.

Here’s a list of strategies managers can implement to improve written communication in the workplace:

Master Email Etiquette

By mastering email etiquette, you can enhance your communication effectiveness, build stronger relationships, and lead your team professionally and clearly.

Some things you can start doing today are:

-Using clear and informative subject lines that capture the essence of the email. -Addressing recipients appropriately, using their preferred name or title.

-Crafting your emails with a professional tone, avoiding slang or jargon to prevent misunderstandings. 

-Responding promptly to emails, as it shows respect for your team’s time and keeps the communication flow smooth.

Adapt to the Communication Medium

Tailoring your writing style and tone to the specific platform and context ensures your messages are received and understood as intended. Familiarize yourself with guidelines or protocols for each medium and follow them diligently. Additionally, be mindful of the communication preferences of your team members and adapt your approach accordingly.

By adapting to the communication medium, you can optimize organizational communication efforts, bridge gaps in understanding, and facilitate collaboration, ultimately leading to a more cohesive and productive team dynamic.

Develop a Professional Writing Style

For managers, cultivating a professional writing style is a valuable asset that can elevate their communication impact.

Adapting your writing style to the intended audience can be quickly done by adjusting the tone and level of formality accordingly, and it’s another way to display empathy. 

Focusing on clarity and organization and using straightforward language is a must. 

Last but not least, ensuring grammar, punctuation, and spelling are in check will help you project high professionalism, establish credibility, and inspire confidence in your team members.

Constructive Feedback: A Key to Non-Stop Growth 

In a managerial role, giving and receiving feedback is a powerful tool for driving individual and team growth. Constructive feedback catalyzes improvement, enabling managers to guide their team members toward reaching their full potential. 

Approach it Tactfully

Knowing almost nobody likes hearing not-so-good things about their work, it is crucial to focus on specific observations and focusing on behavior rather than personal traits. 

Focus on the Next Steps, Not the Past

Offer suggestions for improvement and provide actionable steps to facilitate progress.

Two Ears, One Mouth

The ability to receive feedback gracefully is equally, or more important than giving it, as it shows openness and a willingness to learn from others.

To foster a feedback culture within the team, create a safe and supportive environment where feedback is encouraged and valued. A good practice is to lead by example, providing regular feedback to your team members and encouraging them to give feedback to one another.


It is impossible not to communicate. Make sure you are doing it right!

In today’s dynamic business landscape, practical communication skills have emerged as a crucial factor in managers’ success. Throughout this article, we explored the most impactful business communication skills managers should master and provided actionable items for them to put into practice. From active listening and clarity to empathy and nonverbal communication, these skills set the foundation for open communication, two-way feedback, and positive pillars of effective management. 

Remember, communication is not a one-time endeavor but an ongoing journey of growth and improvement. Embrace the power of effective business communication, and watch as your managerial impact soars and your team thrives.

Adam Hansen

Adam is a part time journalist, entrepreneur, investor and father.