How Can You Keep Your MacBook Running Better?
If you’re looking for some ways to keep your Mac running faster, read on. You’ll learn how to clean your ports, optimize your storage, and free up RAM. By the time you’ve finished reading this article, you should be well on your way to a faster Mac! And finally, make sure to restart your computer on a regular basis. These tips will help you make the most out of your Mac, so read on to find out how to keep your MacBook in top condition!
Clean MacBook’s ports
How to Clean MacBook’s ports? First, you should empty the trash regularly and use the right tool. You can use a soft bristle brush to clean ports, but make sure not to damage the connectors inside the case. Another common problem is dirt in the ports. To clean these, remove all dust and other debris from the ports. Then, place a silicone plug in the ports to prevent moisture, dust, and corrosion from building up.
Free up RAM
If your MacBook is running out of RAM, there are several ways you can free it up. First, restart your Mac. This will clear up the cache and RAM, making your Mac run smoother. If you have installed an older version of macOS, update it to the latest version. After upgrading, you may also need to update the apps on your Mac. To free up RAM, follow the steps listed below. Then, restart your MacBook again.
Optimize storage
If you’re looking to optimize storage on your MacBook, you have a few different options. The first option is called “Optimize Storage”. If you’re about to run out of storage, you’ll receive a notification asking whether you want to optimize the space. If you say “yes,” an interface will open with your options. Click “Store in iCloud” to enable this feature, and your MacBook will automatically back up your documents when the storage gets full.
Reboot your computer regularly
A reboot is the process of shutting down and starting up your computer. It will remove any applications currently running and clear the RAM. Rebooting your computer will also solve many hardware and peripheral issues. According to a famous MacBook service providers , a reboot of your computer once a week will keep it running smoothly. You can also set a schedule for its wake and start up time. This will prevent your MacBook from starting up slowly in the morning.
Clean out caches
To keep your MacBook running better, clean out its caches. Cached files store information for websites and apps. If you rarely visit a particular website, you shouldn’t delete its cache. Instead, move the data to a different folder and delete large files that you don’t need. Likewise, you should not delete application caches unless you are experiencing slow performance. If you don’t regularly use photo editing software, it’s best to leave the cached data on your computer.
Prevent unnecessary apps from running on your Mac
Often, our personal habits and outdated macOS software can cause our computers to slow down or hang. While it is true that the latest macOS operating system tends to perform better, older versions can have permission issues or firmware issues that will hamper the performance of your Mac. Additionally, your Mac may have too many unnecessary apps running in the background. Here are some tips to get your Mac running faster and more smoothly:
Manage startup items
If you’re using a Mac, you may wonder how to manage startup items to keep it running smoothly. Startup items are a set of applications and services that your Mac launches when it boots up. They can take up a significant amount of memory and processor resources, making your MacBook run slowly and with poor performance. If you don’t need to run these programs or services every time, you can manage the items in the Startup menu, in the System Preferences panel.