Common PDF Printing Problems and How to Fix Them

PDF documents are widely used in everyday office life, due to their excellent ability to hold huge amounts of information in a relatively small file size, retain formatting across devices and operating systems. They can also be password protected easily, providing security when sharing documents between various recipients. This makes them perfect for emailing around the […]

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5 Best Employee Retention Strategies for Any Company

In the past, employee retention was approached under different frameworks of work motivation such as Vroom’s Expectancy Theory, Herzberg’s Two-Factor Theory or Ouchi’s Theory Z. It was assumed that retention could be explained by the same factors as job satisfaction. In recent years, new theories have focused specifically on employee retention, and more elaborated explanations […]

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Scaling Supply Chains

Scaling a business successfully is no easy undertaking, but it is especially challenging when it involves large physical assets. Take the production of industrial components and machinery, for example, which would include market segments such as agriculture, construction, aerospace and aviation, energy, and textiles. The total annual investment in industrial machinery exceeded $60 billion across […]

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Four Reasons Why Businesses Need A VPN

78% of queried employees confirmed that a BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) policy promoted a better work-life balance for them. With this policy, employees can work when traveling or even at home while preventing instances of being stressed over a task that they need to get done in the office. However, BYOD policies can be […]

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Substance Abuse And The Way To Deal With It

When you have to bear the sudden death of a closed one, feelings of intense sorrow and grief are normal. But there are instances where people may develop mental illnesses due to sudden shock. Some common symptoms are: Loss of appetite Decreased enthusiasm in life Unwillingness to join social gatherings Sudden fits of anger Bad […]

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4 Side Hustles to Get Your Entrepreneurship On

I still remember the day I fired my boss. It was glorious – and terrifying. When you choose to enter the startup arena, you’re telling the world that you can stand alone and take care of yourself. For all the frustration of corporate drone life, there is security and comfort. Entrepreneurship involves greater inherent risk. […]

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