Apis Records is Making Waves
Saqib Aslam, who is better known as AP, has made significant waves in the music industry in just a few short years. He is the founder of a new record label called Apis Records. This label manages brands, trademarks, and more. Saqib Aslam has become a professional when it comes to the production, manufacture, marketing, promotion, distribution, and enforcement of copyright protection for various music videos and sound recordings. If this doesn’t sound like enough, he also scours for new artists and develops talents, networking with numerous artists and their managers. He loves helping artists fulfill their dreams and has even made himself available for talent coaching.
To this today, Saqib Aslam has worked with some of the biggest names in the industry. This includes Travis Scott, a famous rapper who features his gold Lamborghini in his music video of for a song that has reached double platinum status. This award confers that the music video has achieved 2 million US units. Without a doubt, Saqib Aslam has made waves throughout the music industry in just a few short years.
He was inspired to found this record label when he realized how hard it was for music artists to make their way in the industry. Saqib Aslam himself knows what it is like to struggle. He and his family emigrated to the United States back in 1987. He was only 11 months old at the time. His family grew up poor and he had to struggle for everything he had. He knows that he has the capacity to help artists, providing them with connections, education, and numerous resources that can help them make it in a challenging industry. He lives to hear the joy in the voices of his artists when they realize that they have made it in this world.
He enjoys empowering young singers and artists with the skills they need to succeed. He helps them reach heights that they never dreamt possible. He gives them the business skills that are required to build not just a musician but a brand, which is essential in today’s entertainment industry.
While Saqib Aslam is a successful businessman today, he still cares about his society. This goes back to his roots. He graduated with a degree in public administration from the University of San Francisco. He has had to face many obstacles along the way and has overcome them at every step. He plans to continue to push, helping his artists reach the entire world. He has dreams of working with the Central Asia Institute, building schools abroad so that others can have the same opportunities that he has enjoyed. Apis Records is helping him do that.