4 Effective Ways to Ensure Machinery Is Working Properly
Sometimes, you find that the simplest ideas work best, and that’s particularly true when trying to maintain fancy or expensive equipment. It’s important to remember that if machines break down, your company could experience substantial losses in profit and customer loyalty. Keeping equipment working properly usually requires minimal, simple steps. If equipment does malfunction, you should schedule expert service from a company that understands how important working equipment is to your bottom line. The following recommendations include simple but effective ways to maintain your equipment.
1. Ensure That Equipment Receives Proper Lubrication
Every business owner receives a major wake-up call when dealing with equipment because different types require regular lubrication within specific time ranges. Lack of lubrication tops the list of possible causes of equipment failure because surfaces create friction and stress when they rub together. The surfaces heat up, and metal and other surfaces suffer damage. The machine can become inoperable or even catch fire.
The benefits of regular lubrication include extended machine life, enhanced productivity, fewer repairs, reduced maintenance, and cost savings. Be aware that lubricating too much can also damage equipment or products.
2. Use Video Web Monitoring as Invaluable Tool
Video web monitoring adds an enforcement capability to any plans you might use to maintain your machinery. There could be deliberate or inadvertent sabotage of equipment, and monitoring allows you to identify any problem employees who fail to follow regulations about safe maintenance procedures caused by laziness or inattention. You can also use videos to spot what seems to cause the problem and monitor regular maintenance activities. Manufacturing or running a business generates multiple security risks, and damaged equipment can interrupt business, cause monetary losses, and pose physical risks to employees and stakeholders.
Video machine surveillance also increases productivity by 15% to 25%, and managers or supervisors can catch dangerous practices immediately in real time to correct the employee. Waiting until the end of the day, week, or assessment-period interval can result in frustration and a laissez-faire attitude where employees don’t take the suggestions seriously. Managers can also use videos to track the time spent on maintenance tasks and use the information to make more accurate estimates of the time and staff needed to operate the machinery safely and efficiently. Detailed analytics drive the manufacturing industry and other businesses.
3. Ban Beverages From Equipment Areas
Unfortunately, many types of unnecessary equipment damage can trace the root cause to a spilled liquid. The simplest fix is to ban beverage drinking around expensive, sensitive equipment, and that includes computers that can be severely damaged by liquid spills. Simply create a new company policy banning liquids around equipment. There will be complaints because workers expect to sip their morning coffee or beverage of choice while working, but ask any vocal complainers if they would rather pay the bill for repairs.
4. Read Equipment Manuals for Tips and Tricks
Even many business owners routinely fail to read the manuals that come with equipment because they tend to be hard to read and understand. However, they prove indispensable for finding the details of proper maintenance and repairs. Reading the manuals can give you other money-saving ideas, and you can delegate the job to a manager or supervisor. Manuals can prove exceptionally useful for identifying error codes and hidden maintenance tips for keeping machines working with efficiency.
Although these tips might appear obvious, it’s astonishing how often these simple ideas prove invaluable in day-to-day operations. They can result in extended machine life, a safer workplace, and energy savings.