3 Offensive Spanish Terms To Avoid
Learning a new language has a lot of rewards. Not only is this something that takes an incredible amount of hard work and commitment, but it also gives you a valuable skill you can keep your entire life.
Languages like Spanish, or Mandarin, are perhaps some of the most valuable languages that a person can start to learn and have a lot of benefits. The journey to learning a language is a long one and it involves a lot of elements that go past simple memorization.
To actually learn a language means that you need to learn things about context, geography, and culture. For a lot of people, a very legitimate part of learning a language and definitely an important piece in becoming fluent is immersion.
If your goal is to learn Spanish fluently, then you will have to, at some point in your journey, regularly put yourself in a place of hearing it.
Submersion versus immersion when it comes to language learning still uses the same basic principle of exposure. One focuses on exposing a person to a language with very little context or cultural teaching. The other takes a more holistic approach and teaches culture, and context, and through immersion can create true bilingualism.
No matter how you choose to learn a language, one of the best parts is always going to be learning about a language’s given swear words. Swear words are interesting, in that for many languages one word can take on several different meanings.
If you are planning on spending time in Spanish-speaking cultures, then it’s extremely beneficial to get caught up on what terms are considered offensive and how to avoid them.
This kind of knowledge can help you know when you may be in a hostile situation, and it can also just be fun to know. One of the simple pleasures of learning a second language is being able to use swear words on your close friends without them even knowing!
Are All Swear Words Offensive?
Before getting into some of the swear words that you should be aware of, it’s worth noting that these terms and words are subjective to context. For example, if two friends are joking around with each other and use foul language to describe their feelings, or to make a jest, then the terms aren’t typically ones that give offense.
At the same time, if these terms are used in anger to express distress, they could indicate offense and hostility and should be taken seriously. These same principles apply to swear words in a foreign language.
In certain contexts, and among specific individuals, offensive terms can be normal to use. In more formal settings, however, these same terms are almost never appropriate and should be avoided.
Knowing them beforehand can help you also not make an innocent mistake and offend someone without meaning to. So if you have been looking for some offensive words to learn, here are 3 you need to know about.
- Pendejo
Pendejo meaning has its roots in Latin which means pubic hair. This alone makes it a unique word, but it is often used in the context of the word idiot or more offensively the term asshole. The tricky thing about this word is that it can be used both in offensive ways, as well as in humorous ways.
Pendejo is itself a more humorous word and can be used to bring comic effect to a situation; however, this term is generally considered at least mildly offensive and should not be used in a formal setting. Between friends or in a very relaxed environment, pendejo can be used without consequence, but it is a term that shouldn’t be used unless you are confident.
- Mierda
Mierda is a word that is great to know when spending time in Spanish-speaking cultures. This term translates to the English word ‘shit’ and should only be used in informal settings. The word itself can be used as an expression of anger, stress, or comically, but should be used carefully as it can be considered offensive.
For example, if you wanted to say the word ‘poop’ you wouldn’t use mierda, you would instead say caca. Mierda has the same significance as the English word shit and should be used in the same context and scenarios.
- Maldita Seas
Lastly, maldita seas, which literally translates to ‘(something) be damned’, is a great word to know. This word can be used in a lot of scenarios and is a fun one to keep in your back pocket.
The slang interpretation for this word is like the word damn, or dammit in English. This is a good word to be aware of in case a Spanish speaker is using it against you, even though it can often be used in a non-offensive way.
Taking time to learn words that are offensive, especially before exposing yourself to people who speak the language you are learning, is time well spent. If you plan on spending time around Spanish speakers, then these three offensive terms are ones you need to be aware of!