Why Should Your Business Use Salesforce

When it comes to the world’s most popular customer relationship management system, just one name comes to mind: Salesforce. In your day-to-day activities, you will come across a wide selection of customer relationship management (CRM) software packages that provide fundamental functionalities for the efficient management of client relationships. In light of this, you may wonder what it is about Salesforce that distinguishes it from the competition. What are the benefits of using Salesforce? What role does it play in the success of your company? And can a Salesforce Approved Marketing Cloud Partner (SFMC) Adoption and Solution Partner such as Keru Consulting help?

Starting from the very beginning, what exactly is Salesforce? Salesforce is a cloud-based customer relationship management system that helps you improve your company interactions while also improving your team’s productivity. In addition, it provides ready-to-use solutions that enable growing businesses to incorporate cutting-edge technology and seamlessly integrate solutions quickly. It offers a diverse range of solutions that assist you in managing interactions between businesses and their customers through an integrated platform that delivers a single and shared perspective of each product and service.

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Why choose it?

Availability at your fingertips

Salesforce has grown to become the world’s largest business community on the cloud. It enables businesses of all sizes and sorts to communicate with their clients from anywhere in the world. You have the most up-to-date advancements in mobile tech, marketing, services, sales, and analytics at your fingertips, which will help you to fulfill your objectives while also proposing more bold ones to your customers.

Sales Cloud, Service Cloud, and Marketing Cloud are examples of Salesforce cloud products or services that fall within the Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) classification. The company also offers Platform as a Service, which contains developers’ platforms to build their applications.


Data security is one of the most critical components of businesses that utilize customer relationship management software, and it has been one of the strengths of Salesforce since its beginning. It consolidates all client information into a single database, where it is organized and available to every one according to the responsibilities and permissions assigned to each user in the system.

Business insights

Create individual reports in Salesforce to see information about specific account or opportunity details, sales flow, activities performed, product sales, completed tasks, and other details. Besides collecting and storing massive volumes of information, you will need a tool that allows you to extract and analyze that information to present clear and understandable conclusions that can be utilized to help you make decisions. Salesforce will provide you with all of this. Keep in mind that data is only valuable if you have the axbility to transform it into information that leads to the creation of actionable knowledge.


It makes it possible to connect to and access data from external sources in a straightforward manner by allowing integration with third-party apps to take place. It is possible to continue working with the applications that were already integrated into your business processes as a result of this. Additionally, you will get the benefits of the platform’s potential while also synchronizing critical information for decision-making and making better decisions. The ability to combine Salesforce with other programs that you use in your regular work routine provides a significant competitive advantage for your company.

Adam Hansen

Adam is a part time journalist, entrepreneur, investor and father.