What to Look for in a Criminal Defense Lawyer
One unfortunate decision led to you receiving criminal charges. No matter if you do not have a criminal history, you need someone in your corner willing to fight for and protect your rights. Know how to go about finding the right criminal defense lawyers for your specific situation.
You must go beyond searching for the best criminal lawyer. Instead, you want the best criminal lawyer for you, specifically. You have specific needs that your lawyer should meet, and you want a legal professional who truly comprehends your situation. Know that just because a lawyer has experience in your specific criminal case does not necessarily mean that person bears a willingness to sit down with you to explain your options, answer all your questions in a way you can understand, and make you feel comfortable. Remember, this person could hold the rest of your life in her or his hands. Choose wisely.
Even the best criminal defense lawyer needs a support system to protect a client’s rights and build a solid case. Ask about the paralegals and administrative team helping your lawyer build your case. The reason it’s good for lawyers to work with a team is if something happens to your advocate, such as a sudden illness, your case does not screech to a halt. Time is most certainly of the essence when it comes to legal matters.
You want a criminal defense lawyer like Mike Tawil who has plenty of experience defending people faced with your specific criminal charges. Get to know your charges, and compare that with the information you see on a criminal defense lawyer’s site. For instance, if you received an assault charge, go with a criminal defense lawyer who specializes or has a generous history with assault cases.
Before deciding which lawyer to represent your case, check her or his references. You may get a recommendation from a friend or family member, in which case you already have at least one reference. If you have to start your search from scratch, ask your candidates if they have past clients who can speak to their legal prowess and overall capabilities. Additionally, do some digging on your own online to determine if your candidates have a good reputation, solid recommendations and if they possess a good reputation among other legal professionals. Also, check to see if any of your candidates have any reports or legal marks against them that you need to be aware of.
One of the most essential characteristics to look for in a criminal defense lawyer is confidence in building a solid case. That said, you do not want to confuse that with a lawyer who makes guarantees that she or he can win your case. No matter how much experience your legal advocate has, the fact remains that legal situations are unpredictable. A lawyer who promises you a specific outcome is one who deserves a healthy dose of skepticism.
Take your time when seeking a criminal defense lawyer. Do not let anxiety lead you into making a poor decision that may jeopardize your case.