Stress and Vision Problems: Is it Possible?

A lot of people believe that stress presents itself physically, and science backs this up, too. Chronic stress may lead to a wide range of health problems, including eye difficulties and even blindness. Vision, stress, and general health are all linked in scientific terms.

Anxiety hormone

One potent hormone, cortisol, is the initial connection to stress-related visual impairments. It is created by the body as a natural response to stress, and it causes an increase in heart rate, blood pressure, respiration, and muscular tension in response to that stress. Even though it’s known as the “Stress Hormone,” cortisol has the ability to temporarily regulate the digestive and reproductive systems during times of stress.

Cortisol levels rise dangerously when one experiences a revolving door of worrying thoughts. According to the Optical Center, this may cause visual difficulties as a result of stress. Macular degeneration may be a long-term problem, or it can be a short-term one caused by a vision-related learning deficit in youngsters. Different therapies, ranging from talk therapy to vision therapy, might be prescribed by your doctor due to the individual differences in stress and reactivity.


The “Fight or Flight Hormone” (also known as adrenaline) is released by our bodies when we are under stress. Cortisol, released by adrenaline, raises our heart rate and diverts blood flow away from “unneeded” organs like the digestive and reproductive systems to those that are really in danger.

In an effort to improve light flow to the eyes and more readily identify possible dangers, “The Fight or Flight Hormone” is supposed to force your pupils to dilate. Stress and consequent adrenaline release cause permanent dilation of the pupils, which in turn leads to an increased sensitivity to bright lights and other environmental factors. Because of this, stress-related visual difficulties and eye pain are common side effects. Learn more about taking care of your eyes here


Cortisol and adrenaline surges are associated with stress, which may lead to eyesight difficulties or even loss over time. When we don’t take a deep breath, our oxygen levels drop even more, resulting in less oxygen being delivered to the brain and eyes by essential blood cells.

In the absence of oxygen, cells in the retina may be damaged and eventually die. Even though it’s difficult at times, using breathing techniques when you feel under stress may have a huge impact.


Symptoms of autoimmune diseases including psoriasis, lupus, Crohn’s, and rheumatoid arthritis are often exacerbated by chronic, high levels of stress. Inflammation is the root cause of the problem.

Inflammation may be addressed with a variety of natural and pharmaceutical therapies, but reducing stress seems to be the fundamental cause of many of these health problems. If you don’t take care of your mental well-being, you might lose your ability to see clearly in the long term because of the stress that is inherent in life. We invite you to come in and visit us for a free consultation so we can determine if stress is affecting your eyesight and what steps you can take to counteract that influence.

Adam Hansen

Adam is a part time journalist, entrepreneur, investor and father.