How to Stop Worrying About Security and Focus on What’s Important

Alongside the online security of your business, as a business owner, there are many other things to consider such as making a profit, employing staff, bringing website traffic, increasing productivity, etc. Yes, you want to spend some time making sure your online security is up to scratch, but you also want to spend time making sure you are focused on other areas of your business. 

Your business security is extremely important, which is why it’s worth dedicating some time to it, in order to get it right. Once right, you can let the technologies you have in place look after it and focus your attention elsewhere. But how do you get it right? Below are our tips on how to stop worrying about security and focus on what’s important. 

Make sure your website software is up to date

Updates are released in order to patch up potential security flaws and offer you extra benefits. When these software updates are released, make sure you are installing them right away. If you don’t update them, hackers may target that software in order to infiltrate your website, stealing your data and potentially taking your website down. In order to stop worrying about security threats, employ someone who is in charge of making sure everything is up-to-date or do it yourself and run updates on a weekly basis. Once you know everything is updated, you can relax and focus on what’s important instead of diverting your attention to online security. 

Train your staff to be aware of cyber attacks 

Cyber attacks are a pain and can cause havoc to your business if you are subject to a cyber attack. One way to reduce the chances of an attack and to put your mind at rest is to educate your staff on them and ways to avoid them. When you employ staff, make it part of their onboarding process that they have to sit through a cyber attacks video to make them more aware and educated on it. You could also bring an expert in to do a presentation and teach your current staff members. Included in the teaching could be the most common attacks, what to do if they think they are subject to one, and best practices when surfing the web and downloading things. 

Use Two Factor Authentication 

To ensure people can’t get access to your system, implement a two-factor authentication process for your business. What this means is that when logging into your systems, staff members require two ways to gain access. This can be through a password and a text to their phone or a fingerprint and a phone call. This is becoming standard practice for a lot of companies and you may have experienced it when logging into your bank account or accounts software. 

What tips do you have to help stop someone from worrying about their online security? Which of the above three points do you most agree with? Is there anything you would like to share that will benefit our readers? Let us know in the comment box below.

Adam Hansen

Adam is a part time journalist, entrepreneur, investor and father.