How To Get Visitors To Your New Website

Recently launched a new website and struggling to get traffic? It’s important to have a strong launch strategy in place to ensure your website gets off to a good start. Without one, you may find yourself with a brand-new website that costs plenty of time and money to build and little to no traffic.

In this blog, we’ll go over a simple launch strategy that will help your new website bring in relevant traffic and start generating sales and leads.

What is a launch strategy?

After your new website has finished development and is now live, the process doesn’t end there. Without some work and effort, your website will sit dormant online and will only receive a small amount of traffic from existing customers, social media promotion and online directories.

A launch strategy is a plan designed to bring in new traffic and to start getting users from search engines visiting your site.

Why use a launch strategy?

Websites will, over time, bring in natural organic traffic from search engines. However, this often takes a minimum of 3 to 6 months and depends on the quality of the content on your website, amongst many other factors. This is often too long for businesses that rely on their website to bring in sales and leads and ultimately turn a profit.

A good launch strategy will help speed up this natural process and bring in some traffic in the meantime to ensure a stable flow of relevant traffic reaches your website.

An example launch plan

A simple launch strategy might span over 3 to 6 months, include pay-per-click advertising and website content and could go something like this.

  • After initial website launch, implement pay-per-click advertising to bring a flow of traffic immediately into the site.
  • Work on producing keyword optimised content through new landing pages, blogs, and news articles – this will help the organic performance of the website.
  • As organic traffic increases, bring down the budget of your pay-per-click advertising.
  • When the site starts bringing in enough organic traffic, you can stop the PPC account or continue to adjust it to supplement seasonal changes in organic traffic.

Essentially, this simple plan uses pay-per-click advertising to bring an immediate source of traffic to your website, whilst the SEO performance can slowly improve in the background.

Is your website performing as you want it to?

Recently launched a new website and struggling to get visitors and leads? We’re web design Hull specialists in technical search engine optimization, pay-per-click advertising, social media management, and more. With a proven track record of successful website launches and marketing campaigns, we can provide your website with the push it needs to flourish online.

Adam Hansen

Adam is a part time journalist, entrepreneur, investor and father.