6 Advantages Of POP Displays For Brand Marketing
Well-designed POS displays from suppliers like IDL Displays have many in-store benefits and can help both consumers and retailers to view brands in a positive light. It has been shown that point of purchase displays can boost retail sales by more than 20 percent. Here are six benefits of such displays for brand marketing:
- Catch Shoppers’ Eyes
Many shoppers are “skimmers”, which means they skim down the aisles searching only for the things they need. Product packaging by itself, no matter how visually attractive, is typically too small to have any sort of impact on shoppers. That’s where POP displays come in. By using bigger advertising mediums, like hanging shelf signs, floor graphics and cardboard displays, next to products, there is a greater chance of a buyer noticing a brand’s products.
- Locate Products In Strategic Locations
POP (point of purchase) displays often take the form of shelf end attachments or free-standing display units. This provides brands and the retailer with more flexibility as to where to place products for maximum exposure. Products are no longer put on bottom shelves or in tight corners – instead, they can be located in areas of a store with the most traffic. What’s more, a brand can opt to have complementary products placed next to their items to leverage marketing from other manufacturers.
- Beyond Packaging
When a brand has a great product, they want to make sure that as many individuals as possible know about it. It’s often hard to fit a brand’s entire ethos onto a small box or packet. Point of purchase displays provide sellers with the opportunity to tell potential consumers more about their products. In addition, they make products from a brand easier to find in a large store. Sometimes there is no need to add any additional information to a display; it is just used to show a brand’s logo in bigger designs.
- Aid A Retailer With Effective Product Merchandising
A common difficulty many brands run into is ensuring their products are effectively merchandised at retail. Retailers often work with a lot of brands and have limited time to dedicate to the promotion of each brand’s products. By providing a retailer with accompanying display materials, brands make it as easy as possible for stores to advertise their products effectively to shoppers. POP displays save both brands and retailers a lot of time.
- Target Impulse Shoppers
It’s a lot easier to persuade consumers to purchase a brand’s products when they’re already in a shopping mindset. A good ad has a better chance of impacting the individual viewing it if said individual also has the chance to buy the product being advertised straight away. When shoppers are already buying a range of items, there’s a good probability that they will add further items to their final shop. Many purchases in retail stores, especially those in the food and drink industry, are unplanned, impulse buys, which means POS marketing can be very effective.
- Cost-Effective Advertising
Advertising a brand on conventional media platforms, including TV, radio, magazines, and billboards, can be incredibly expensive. Meanwhile, point of purchase displays, for example, posters, signs, and popup units, cost a fraction of the price of conventional advertising on mainstream media platforms. Brands can even use the same messages and graphics they would use in say a magazine ad on in-store cardboard displays or store posters. An added benefit is that POP displays make it easy to reach a brand’s target audience and immediately encourage sales.
Photo by TRIGA Systems