10 Catchy Email Subject Lines Guaranteed to Increase Open Rates
Let’s face it, when creating email marketing campaigns the subject line is going to be the determining factor in whether your email gets opened or sent to the trash bin. As a matter of fact, according to a survey taken by ConvinceandConvert.com statistics show that email recipients open email based on subject line alone. I actually do not find this to be surprising at all because I am in fact one of these types of individuals.
Furthermore with the amount of emails that I receive on a daily basis, I usually do a quick scan of the email subject line and will immediately delete anything that I see coming across as “Spam”.
What are Catchy Email Subject Lines?
Catchy email subject lines help you get your emails opened by your intended recipients.
If you are having a hard time getting prospects to open your emails, I have put together a list of 10 catchy email subject lines that will help increase your open rates. And Off we go!
1. <Recipient Name> Important Announcement!
2. <Recipient Name> You should see this…
3. <Recipient Name> Did you receive my last email?
4. <Recipient Name> Have you read this?
5. <Recipient Name> It’s finally here! – startupnation.com
6. <Recipient Name> Are you ready?
7. <Recipient Name> This can’t be true….
8. <Recipient Name> How to <Insert More Information> Example: How to Lower Your Car Payment
9. <Recipient Name> Please open this before <Day of the Week>
10. <Recipient Name> I want to give you this free <Gift,Guide,Report>
So tell me, are there any email subject lines that you have been using that receive high open rates. If so, I would love for you to share them. Make it a great day!