How COVID-19 is Affecting Personal Injury Claims
As a cautionary drill to the Universal Coronavirus Pandemic, both large and small institutions and organizations have closed business, otherwise altering their regular daily practice. As a result of this pandemic, closings, and sudden changes in commerce, several injured accident victims are left wondering what might transpire with their injury suit. Every personal injury case is exclusive.
However, with this pandemic, it’s challenging to pursue the case.
Many law firms are affected and also confused about how various cases will be handled. It’s not yet certain whether the COVID-19 pandemic will have little or no impact on resolving and settling personal injury claims. It’s understood that deciding and solving personal injury claims will depend on where the victims, attorneys, and business people live.
There are some parts where courts are still open, and law firms are still operating. But, disruption by the COVID-19 pandemic will soon disrupt the day to day business. Nothing is guaranteed so far. Areas that have not yet been hit with the virus have decided to alter their working hours, limiting physical contact with the public. The authorities suggested this move as a measure to curb the spread of the virus.
The fact that these businesses are still operating but altering working hours doesn’t mean that they don’t take the pandemic seriously. Most law firms are employing precise mechanisms to prevent the potential spread of the virus among clients, employees, and the public. Cautionary measures entail sanitization and increased deep cleaning across the offices.
Those victims that have been involved in accidents can enjoy this privilege before the situation changes for the worse. Those areas that have already been hit by the COVID-19 have seen law firms switch to unique communications like video conferencing and texting to try to solve cases. However, this procedure has been regarded as challenging and overwhelming. Business people, attorneys, and victims must be prepared for challenging tasks.
Are there Courts that are Open to Listen to Personal Injury Claims?
As part of a response to curb the spread of COVID-19 pandemic, both the Supreme Court and the Court of Appeals of various States preferred to enter an emergency order suspending and modifying particular provisions that are related to court proceedings.
It’s crucial to understand that this pandemic order permits all court proceedings, including depositions, hearings, and any other type of court appearance to be conducted virtually. These proceedings can be undertaken remotely by teleconferencing and videoconferencing.
What this means for attorneys, victims, and business people is that even when the courthouse is closed, at some point, it’s still possible for victims to have their personal injury claims settled. Attorneys can pursue claims at their own pace without having any interruptions. What attorneys require is resources. Law firms should be equipped with everything that is needed to have a videoconference set up.
Can Victims File a Personal Accident Claim during this COVID-19 Pandemic?
This is possible. The fact that most people are staying at home doesn’t mean that accidents will stop transpiring. When accidents happen, even during this COVID-19 pandemic, affected victims will still require the services of an attorney and access to a court to file a personal injury claim.
Will the COVID-19 pandemic Result to Fewer First Responders at the Accident Scene?
Hopefully, this will not happen. It is crucial that the authorities (EMTs and Police) arrive at the accident scene promptly so that they can determine whose fault it was. If there isn’t a favorable police report or an officer to witness, a personal accident claim can quickly turn to a “she/he said affair,” which insurance companies don’t entertain. In such scenarios, the jury and insurance firms fail to understand which driver they should side with.
A police report also has vital information that an attorney can use to assist a personal injury claim to win the case. We are currently living in difficult times. But, regardless of the circumstances, all attorneys, business people, and accident victims can still make appointments. Even though the processes will not be smooth like before, many suits will eventually be settled.