10 Reasons to Use WordPress for Your Blog and Business
If you intend to operate an online business or a blog, you will first need a platform or website for your business or blog. With hundreds of options available, it is easy to feel lost while selecting the right platform for your website.
Among these tens of websites and blogging platforms, the most preferred one is a Content Management System (CMS) called WordPress that powers almost 35% of the web. In this post, I will reveal 10 reasons why you should use WordPress to manage your business and blog.
So, let’s start.
- WordPress is open source and free
WordPress is an open-source Content Management System (CMS) developed by the non-profit WordPress Foundation. It is free to download and use by anyone. Most of the hosting companies provide WordPress as one of the default choices that you can install quickly with one click.
Since WordPress is open-source, you can customize it as per your needs.
- WordPress is highly customizable
Do you wish to run a minimalist or a custom-designed blog? Or maybe you want to run a full-fledged marketplace. WordPress has the answer, no matter how basic or complex your requirement is.
If you know how to code or if you can hire a web developer, then you can customize WordPress in a limitless manner. WordPress is scripted using PHP, which is not too challenging to master, and there are many PHP developers available for hire who can quickly customize WordPress as you want.
But even if you are not into programming or cannot afford a developer, you have nothing to lose since…
- WordPress offers thousands of free themes and plugins
The WordPress repository has more than 55,000 plugins you can choose from to extend and customize your site in imaginative ways. Only the sky is the limit. What’s more, there are thousands of free themes to get you started on your WordPress journey.
But if you are not satisfied with the options available in the free themes and plugins, you can always install premium 3rd party themes and plugins on your WordPress site.
What’s more, there are some effective WordPress speed optimization plugins for ensuring that your WordPress site loads fast and passes the Core Web Vitals (CWV) test for better search rankings.
- All themes are highly flexible and mobile responsive
With more than 70% of traffic online users using mobiles to browse the web, your site must be 100% mobile responsive. WordPress makes this easy by allowing developers to design themes by using a mobile-first approach in their theme development.
Also, WordPress allows users to use custom CSS using the built-in theme customizer to customize their design in different ways. You can even use child themes for your customization needs.
- WordPress ensures site security
Online intrusion attempts and DDoS attacks are on the rise. This requires a pro-active approach to protect your blog from these threats. Fortunately, the WordPress security team has you covered. WordPress updates regularly patch vulnerabilities arising from code injection, broken authentication, cross-site scripting, security misconfiguration, etc.
You can also route your traffic through a free firewall like Cloudflare that blocks malicious IPs from accessing your site. For added protection, it is recommended to use a secure WordPress host for hosting your website or blog.
- WordPress is excellent for eCommerce
With WordPress, you can build not just blogs or news sites but full-fledged eCommerce sites as well complete with inventory management and shopping cart options. This is possible thanks to the free WooCommerce WordPress plugin offered by Automattic. If you didn’t know this already, Matt Mullenweg is the founder of both the WordPress foundation and Automattic that builds incredible plugins for WordPress, including WooCommerce and JetPack.
In fact, WooCommerce powers an estimated 42% of all eCommerce sites on the web. There are thousands of add-ons available for WooCommerce that you can leverage profitably for your online marketplace.
- WordPress is an excellent choice for SEO
You must have surely heard of Search Engine Optimization (SEO). SEO is an art that helps you gain top rankings on search results of the most popular websites like Google, Bing, or Yahoo.
WordPress is SEO-friendly at its core. It allows you to optimize your on-page SEO with the help of meta tags, keywords, description, SEO-friendly permalinks, tag cloud, and much more. There’s an entire industry devoted to boosting the search performance of WordPress websites. Why should you be left behind?
- WordPress is always updated
With other open-source software, you desperately hope for new features and security fixes. Not so with WordPress. The globally distributed WordPress team of volunteers push a significant update every 2-3 months and minor updates every month.
Every major WordPress version, like 5.X, contains exciting new features that you can take advantage of. For instance, the Gutenberg block editor was introduced with the release of WordPress 5.0, which has made creating fancy pages a reality for non-coders.
On the other hand, the minor WordPress maintenance releases like 5.3.X push out security patches and bug fixes to keep your WordPress experience smooth and secure.
- WordPress has a thriving community
The WordPress community is a dynamic mix of developers, lay users, designers, and volunteers who are enriching the WordPress environment every day.
You can quickly get help on almost every Word Pres topic on the WordPress support forums.
If you like coding, there’s an active WordPress community on GitHub. I haven’t even mentioned regular Word Camps that are organized throughout the world frequently where you can share your ideas and gain new insights with other WordPress users.
- Creating content on WordPress is a real pleasure
The WordPress block editor called Gutenberg has made content creation a fun-filled process.
If you like to create beautiful looking pages filled with colour and different layouts, you can easily do that using the built-in block editor. I’m you prefer even more options and design control on your pages, you can use different page builder plugins available for free on WordPress.org.
You have seen 10 compelling reasons for using WordPress to manage your site. If you haven’t already started using WordPress, don’t hesitate any longer and embrace it wholeheartedly.